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Zorro; Swordplay and Romance

Order your copy of this new anthology from Bold Venture Press!



Planet of Outcasts, Moon Crusher 2


Order now from Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and other fine booksellers


Planet of Outcasts won gold at the RPLA Florida Writers Assoc. on October 19, 2024!



Voyage of the Sea Dragon: Into the Dream World is now available in eBook Amazon and in print from Amazon, Ingram, and Barnes & Noble

Enter an ocean world not seen since Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea--a world of incredible beauty and danger!




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Susan Kite is the author of thirteen published novels of science fiction, fantasy, adventure, historical fiction, and tall tales. She writes children's, YA, and adult. She has written stories for several published anthologies, and online writing sites as well.


Indie Book Source Podcast/Streaming replay.    Indie Book Source

The Cast of Zorro, episode 3. Replay on YouTube. Fun podcast with Jack Clock!  



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